Nourish is committed to making yoga accessible to everyone!

My goal is to create an inclusive and supportive community where everyone can thrive.

I strongly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the transformative power of Nourish yoga, regardless of their financial situation.

In light of this, I am excited to present a unique opportunity - a sliding scale trial!

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No need to have finances hold you back from experiencing the incredible benefits of Nourish Therapeutic Yoga.

Take the leap and join our community today!

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Eligible participants with low income

Want to help make Nourish Yoga accessible to everyone?

Help support someone in need by helping them become a regular monthly member of Nourish! Your generous donation will go directly to individuals who cannot afford a membership but would greatly benefit from our services and community.

Donate Here
  • "Just my gratitude for your having offered this class, and my continued awe at your developing a program that will work for other chronic illness sufferers. I also love that you've opened up this trial for feedback to a community of like-minded, like-bodied people & that you are clearly open to developing your program to suit people's needs - its a pretty amazing example of community coming together, and I'm very thankful to be involved."

  • "Feeling like my needs as an ME patient wereunderstood and that I was free to set my own boundaries for what was safe for me. Not feeling pushed or pressured to do anything a particular way -- I really appreciated being reminded of this a few times throughout the class, as it is so different from the approach in traditional yoga studios, which is to push yourself. I also lovedwhatyou said towards the end of class - something about that our disabled bodies have value, that we are valuable and appreciated. I would have loved if there was some gesture to this earlier in the class, as it really calmed my body and made me feel safe." 

  • "Loved it. Can’t wait to try more. Thank you for doing this type of Yoga. I just can’t seem to motivate myself to do it on my own so I can absolutely use this. :)"

  • "The connection to others struggling with similar conditions and being able to all be at the same or similar level of yoga practice"